IJFIRH - 2024, Volume - II, Issue - IV [October to December 2024]

e-ISSN No- 3048-6270

Published by Homoeopathic Chronicles


Nandan K H1   Amitha P Baliga2 

1 PG Scholar, Department of Materia Medica, Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College, Mangalore - 575018

2 HOD, Professor Department of Materia Medica, Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College, Mangalore - 575018

Article Received: 17 December 2024 - Accepted: 26 December 2024 - Article published online: 30 December 2024 

DOI: https://doi.org/10.59939/3048-6270.2024.v2.i4.3


Seborrheic Dermatitis is a common skin condition that primarily affects areas with high sebaceous (oil) gland activity, such as the scalp, face, retro-auricular region, and upper chest. Unlike dandruff, which presents with mild flaking and no significant inflammation, Seborrheic Dermatitis is more severe, characterized by flaking, scaling, intense itching (pruritus), and pronounced erythema. The condition often leads to emotional and social distress due to the visibility and discomfort it causes. Homeopathic treatment for skin conditions takes a holistic approach, treating the individual by considering their physical, mental, and emotional state, as well as lifestyle and family history. Unlike conventional treatments that focus on external symptoms, homeopathy aims to address the root cause of the condition, promoting internal balance and long-term healing. This article explores the homeopathic treatment of Seborrheic Dermatitis through a case study, utilizing Richard Hughes’ concept of generic totality—which emphasizes the importance of understanding the patient’s complete symptom picture—and the selection of the appropriate centesimal potency to achieve optimal results in managing this chronic skin condition.


KEYWORDS: Seborrheic dermatitis, generic totality, LM potency, sulphur .


Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic relapsing inflammatory skin disorder clinically characterized by scaling and poorly defined erythematous patches. The prevalence of adult SD is estimated at 5% (2). This condition is more common in males than in females. Among adults, the peak incidence is in the third and fourth decades of life. Seborrheic dermatitis is a clinical diagnosis based on the location and appearance of lesions. In infants, it may present as thick white or yellow greasy scales on the scalp; it is usually benign and resolves spontaneously. In adolescents and adults, seborrheic dermatitis typically presents as flaky, greasy, erythematous patches on the scalp, nasolabial fold, ears, eyebrow, anterior chest, or upper back. (1,2,3) Clinical features includes erythematous patches with large, greasy scales. Commonly affects areas with many sebaceous glands, such as the scalp, hairline, eyebrows, glabella, nasolabial folds, ears, upper chest, back, axillae, umbilicus, and groins. Patients often experience itching (pruritus), particularly on the scalp and in the ear canal. Lesions may extend from the scalp onto the forehead, forming a scaly erythematous border called “corona seborrheic.”  In Homoeopathy, the entire medicine based on the view that "like cures like." the remedy as having the total symptom picture, including all physical, emotional, and mental states depending on the patient. This self-evident contrast with the practice of conventional medicine-everything that is typically concerned mostly with the disease itself or symptom ends-warps into a very strange expression. Homeopaths believe that this skin reflects an internal state of the body when they see it, regarding it as an external manifestation. They say conditions like Seborrheic Dermatitis are indications of even a bigger imbalance in the vital force (energy) of the body. Richard Hughes, a prominent figure in homeopathy, contributed significantly to the understanding and development of the concept of pathological simile. He believes that the drugs selected should be capable of altering the state of health in the same manner to the disease. It involves general nature of the symptoms and underlying pathology. As per him it is important to have great knowledge of disease as a homoeopath, which includes symptoms and pathology, so when we match medicine symptoms to disease symptoms and end up getting cure or worked on principle of similia.


A 20yr. old female from Bangalore came with the compliant of itching, scaling eruptions on the right cheek in the past 5 months.


Patient was well 5 months back. He noticed few small reddish dry scaly areas in the right cheek which gradually progressed to the size of 5 to 6 cm. Symptoms are itching2+

< sweating2+, < washing face2+ and > by scratching2+.


medical history of varicella-zoster virus at the age of 9yrs. Treatment history: allopathic medication for the same.

Family history: Asthma- mother.


Regular, 7 days menses, 38 days cycle.

Character of bleeding: clots, bright blood bleeding.


Seborrheic dermatitis- skin inflammation.

Erythematous reddish eruptions on the right cheek

Dryness with scaling2+

Itching2+ < sweating2+, < washing face2+ and > by scratching2+.

Seborrheic dermatitis- skin inflammation.

PRESCRIPTION: (9,10,11,12,13)

 Based on its well-known antifungal qualities in Materia Medica, Sulphur was determined to be the best suitable treatment following a comprehensive evaluation of the patient's symptoms. One teaspoon of Sulphur 0/1 potency was recommended twice a day for a week to reduce the chance of aggravation. Other precautions included keeping oneself clean and eating a diet high in vitamin C-rich foods (like papaya and lime) and probiotics (like curd). The patient's health considerably improved after a week, thus in the second week, Sulphur 0/1 potency 2 times a day was recommended. After two weeks, the patient stopped using the drug, resulting in a permanent recovery.


A 20-year-old woman from Bangalore, Karnataka, presented with seborrheic dermatitis on her right cheek, characterized by itching, scaling, redness, and dryness. The symptoms worsened with sweating and bathing, but scratching provided temporary relief. Based on a thorough case history and the creation of a generic totality of symptoms, Sulphur in LM(14,15) potency was prescribed. After just one week, the patient experienced no worsening of symptoms and notable improvement, indicating a potential for permanent cure. To avoid aggravation and further enhance recovery, Sulphur 0 potency was administered. This case demonstrates the effectiveness of LM potency in dermatological conditions, reducing medicinal aggravation and allowing for controlled, rapid improvement. The results, achieved within 4-5 days, highlight the efficacy and quick action of homeopathic treatment when prescribed based on a comprehensive totality of symptoms.


This is a case of seborrheic dermatitis treated with Richard Hughes concept of the pathological simile. This case is an example of LM potency's efficacy in dermatological conditions. This is a single case report, however, further case studies, research, and advanced investigation are needed to substantiate this concept.


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How to cite this Article: Nandan, P Baliga A. A case study on seborrheic dermatitis treated with homoeopathy using the concept of pathological simile and the 50 millesimal potency. International Journal for Fundamental and Interdisciplinary Research in Homoeopathy [Internet]. 2024;2(4):27–32. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.59939/3048-6270.2024.v2.i4.3